Phone Preferred First Name * Last Name * Full Legal Name * Email Address * Password * Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 (Optional) State * City * Zip Code * 1. Are you a compassionate, friendly and reliable person who is interested in making a difference in your community? VQ1 Yes No 2. Are you able to volunteer at least 4 consecutive hours per week during the tax season (mid-January to mid-April)? VQ2 Yes No 3. Do you feel comfortable working with people of all races, ages, nationalities, legal working statuses, disabilities, religions, sexual orientations and genders? VQ3 Yes No 4. Helping taxpayers will require excellent customer service and communication skills. Do you have the interpersonal skills to handle challenging communications with a kind and patient demeanor? VQ5 Yes No 6. Do you speak any languages in addition to English? Check all that apply. Arabic American Sign Language (ASL) Cantonese Farsi French Filipino German Hindi Indonesian Japanese Khmer/Cambodian Korean Madarin Russian Spanish Tagalog Thai Ukrainian Vietnamese If you speak a language that is not listed, please tell us.   7. How familiar are you with tax preparation? (No experience necessary, all training provided) * Not at all Somewhat familiar (I prepare my own taxes) Very familiar (I am a tax professional)   8. What’s your professional background? Do you have any skills and experiences that you would want to use or develop in our program? (Optional)   9. Where did you learn about this volunteer opportunity? * CASH Oregon Current or Past Client Friend/Family Facebook / Twitter / Social media HandsOn Portland Portland Community College Farmers Market/Other Community Event Portland State University Umpqua Bank University of Portland Volunteer / Career Fair VolunteerMatch AARP Tax-Aide Other Tax Site Preferences 1. Our Impuestos Comunitarios program works specifically with Spanish-speaking and immigrant taxpayers in east Multnomah County. Would you be interested in working with this program? (Fluency in Spanish is required) * Yes No Maybe   2. Where would you like to volunteer? Check all that apply. * Virtually - Volunteer from home! SE Portland CASH Oregon Office (1010 SE Stark St., Portland) N/NE/NW Portland Beaverton East Multnomah County/Gresham Eugene Are you looking to serve elsewhere not listed? Check out our sibling program AARP Tax-Aide   Emergency Contact Name * Emergency Contact Relationship * Emergency Contact Phone * Demographic Information We value diversity in our program and use demographic information to ensure inclusivity. These questions are optional and any responses are confidential. 1. Date of Birth (Optional)   2. I identify my gender as (optional) Male Female Transgender Male Transgender Female Genderqueer/gender-nonconforming Different Identity Prefer not to say   3. I identify my race/ethnicity as (optional) Select all that apply. Asian Black Indigenous Latino/Hispanic Middle Eastern Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander North African Slavic White Unknown Prefer not to say   4. What’s your employment status? Check all that apply. Employed (Full time) Employed (Part time) Student (Full time) Student (Part time) Retired Unemployed (Seeking employment) Unemployed (Not seeking employment)